Level Summary
Gi Color
Blue Gi
Material to Learn
Back Fist
Chamber as if “covering a sneeze”
Elbow points towards target
Pinky is facing the floor
Striking surface is the back of the hand
Strike moves across the body
Knife Hand Blocks
Both hands are crossed in front the chin, with the blocking hand on the top
Elbows are stacked during the chamber
Bottom hand finishes open, palm up, resting on the solar plex
Knife hand palm is turned slightly forward
Soft bend in the elbow
Rear Front Kick
All front leg front kick notes are present
Foot is placed back in proper guarding stance
Base foot stays planted
Back Stance
Feet are shoulder width apart
Toes are pointed forwards and 90 degrees
Back Leg is bent with the front slightly bent
Weight is distributed 60/40
Back Kick
Chamber is the same as a front kick
Look over your shoulder to spot the target
Striking surface is the heel
Kick extends straight back and rechamber in front
Hips and shoulders remain square
Heian Nidan Part 1 & 2
Move order is correct
Stance shape and length is accurate
Sequencing is accurate (Head, Hips, Hands)
Chambers are tight and positioned well
Opening block sequence is up block and outside block
Guard Position
Hips must be close to partner
Feet are locked above the waist, behind the back
Hands are guarding in the center
Partners are demonstrating good posture
Mount Position
Knees and toes are both in contact with the ground
Light downward pressure is being applied
Arms are framing the ground for stability
Checking for small movements
Opposite hand maintaining clean guard
Directions covered are inside, outside, down, and elbow covers
Head movements are included with the checks
Movement Drills
Collect 3 sparring movement drills that you can run and demonstrate to your instructor
They should cover
Distance closing
Rotating directions
Stepping off the line