Level Summary
Gi Color
Red Gi
Material to Learn
Front Knee
Ridge Hand
Open hand strike using thumb blade of the hand and forearm
Palm facing down thumb reaching across the palm (reaching towards pinky)
Create a semicircle from shoulder to center of the body keeping a slight bend in elbow
Heian Yodan Part 1 &Â 2
Move order is correct
Stance shape and length is accurate
Sequencing is accurate (Head, Hips, Hands)
Chambers are tight and positioned well
Long stances & hip lead on kick elbow sequence
Shoulders square on back knuckle (backfist)
Standing Guillotine
Forearm on choking arm is positioned correctly
One of the 3 acceptable grips are being utilized
Finish comes from the hip & body position not the squeeze
Kneeling Rear Naked Choke
Forearm on choking arm is positioned correctly
Arm connection is correct
Blade of the hand is placed rather than the palm
‘Squeeze and twist’ to apply pressure
Sweeps (Trip Sweep)
Good grips are established first
Collar tie
Wrist control
Cross collar (gi only)
Weight is off balanced before sweep is attempted
Balance is maintained throughout the movement