Level Summary
Gi Color
Blue Gi
Material to Learn
Hook Punch
Arm bends to 90 degrees.
Forearm should be parallel with the ground
Power should come from hips not shoulder
Fist position based on targeting
Upper Cut
Usually back hand from guard
Like back two knuckle, but strike is straight up
Close range strike, target bottom of the chin
Thrusting Side Kick
All regular side kick pieces are present
During the step behind heel is pointed at the target
First chamber is present (this stage is often skipped)
Outside Crescent Kick
Testing a straight leg kick (snap comes later)
Back leg kick from guard stance
First motion is bringing leg across the body
Swing leg in a semi-circle back to the guard position
Make sure kicking surface is blade of the foot
Hips should stay straight (no hook kicks)
Heian Sandan Part 1 & 2
Move order is correct
Stance shape and length is accurate
Sequencing is accurate (Head, Hips, Hands)
Chambers are tight and positioned well
Spear hand spin is sequenced properly and finishes in side-stance
Frontal Sweep
Wrist and should control are established before stepping
Hip contact is positioned correctly
Students interrupt their opponents’ balance before attempting a throw
Takedowns must remain controlledÂ
Leg Kicks
Shin contact is used
Proper targeting on the leg is present
Timing on kick is proper for maximum power
Rhythm 1,2,3,4
Students should be able to execute their 4-part sparring combinations with partners
Rhythm sections include both offense and defensive combinations
Touch pressure is used
Proper speed is implemented for a ‘conversation’