This week's theme: Safety Week
Black Belt Extravaganza
Celebrate our students who are becoming black belts at our Black Belt Extravaganza! The show will take place on November 24th, 4:00 - 6:00 PM at Winchester High School. Tickets can be purchased at
Halloween Party Costume Contest Results!
Thank you to everyone who came to our Halloween party! The results are in for our costume contest! Congratulations to Max Beauchesne, Brandon Carter, Amara Chakrabarti, Bennett Freeman, Victor Neves, and Anthony DeLeo on being our winners! Each winner will receive a FREE karate kamp! Happy Halloween!
Buddy Week
Next week is buddy week! Bring a friend with you to class!
Halloween Closing
EFK will be CLOSED at all locations on October 31st for Halloween. Have a fun and safe holiday!
Upcoming Events:
Next Belt Testing: Reading, Winchester, Bedford, and Acton: November 8th
Halloween Closing
All locations: October 31st
EFK will be CLOSED at all locations on this date. Happy Halloween!
Adult Seminar
Winchester: November 2nd
Part 1 (Kickboxing and self-defense): 2:30 - 3:45 PM
Part 2 (Kali, knives, and empty hand): 3:45 - 5:00 PM
Gloves and shin guards are required. Adults only.
Superhero Karate Kamps
All locations: November 11th, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Black Belt Extravaganza
Winchester High School: November 24th, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Tickets available online.
Want to register for an event? Do so on our members only page at Click on the members only page, and select "Events Registration".
Weapons of the week BBC: Nunchucks Leadership: Board Breaking
This week is a grappling week. Grappling classes will take place on Tuesday and Saturday this week. Next week's theme is BUDDY WEEK.