This week's theme: Respect
Classes for Boy/Girl Scout Troops
We're offering pizza parties/karate classes for Boy or Girl Scout Troops! Ask your instructor for more details.
Upcoming Events:
Next Belt Testing (This Friday!):
Reading, North Reading, Winchester, Bedford, Acton, and Arlington- December 7th
If you are testing, please try to arrive fifteen minutes before your scheduled start time. Wear your full white uniform with your EFK patch attached, and bring your sparring gear and bag (if applicable).
Drop and Shop
Winchester: December 8th, 3:00 - 7:00 PM
Reading: December 14th, 5:00 - 9:00 PM
Acton: December 15th, 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Drop off your children while you shop! This is a FREE event, and friends and siblings are welcome. Students under five must call ahead for approval from an instructor. All students from all schools are invited.
Adult Kickboxing and Kali Seminar
Winchester: December 15th
Kickboxing: 2:30 - 3:30 PM
Kali: 3:30 - 4:30 PM
$49/$39 BBC for one session
$79/$69 BBC for both sessions
This seminar is for adults only.
Holiday Week Closing
All locations: December 24th - December 29th
EFK will be CLOSED at all locations during this week. Happy holidays!
Want to register for an event? Do so on our members only page at Click on the members only page, and select "Events Registration".
Weapons of the week
BBC: Nunchucks
Leadership: Board breaking
Next week's theme is FAMILY.
|Elite Freestyle Karate|(781)942-9898||