This week's theme: Respect Week
Upcoming Events:
Next Belt Testing (This Friday!):
Reading, Winchester, and Bedford: December 13th
Please arrive fifteen minutes prior to your scheduled testing time and wear your full white uniform (including your EFK patch). Bring your sparring gear and bag (if applicable).
Holiday Closing:
All locations: December 23rd - December 29th
EFK will be CLOSED at all locations this week for the holidays.
Pajama Day
All locations: December 31st
Wear your pajamas to class on New Years Eve! Classes will run on a SATURDAY schedule on this day. Check your location's class schedule for specific class times.
New Year's Day Closing
All locations: January 1st
EFK will be CLOSED at all locations for New Year's Day.
Buddy Week
All locations: December 30th - January 4th
Bring a friend with you to class this week!
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Boot Camp All locations: January 20th, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Want to register for an event? Do so on our members only page at Click on the members only page, and select "Events Registration".
Weapons of the week BBC: Kali Leadership: Double nunchucks
This week is a sparring week. Sparring classes will take place on Thursday and Saturday this week.
Next week's theme is INSTRUCTOR TURNAROUND.