Weekly Newsletter|February 10th - February 15th
This week's theme: Stamina Week
Announcements: Tournament Sign Ups Our yearly tournament will be on March 22nd! See the front desk to pick up your application! Presidents Day Closure EFK will be CLOSED at all locations on Monday, February 17th for Presidents Day. Karate Kamps will be offered 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the 18th, 19th, and 20th, along with regular classes. See event listing below for details. Upcoming Events:
Next Belt Testing:
Reading, Winchester, Acton, and Bedford: March 13th
Valentine's Night Out
Reading: February 14th, 7:00PM - 10:00PM
Presidents Day Closing
All locations: February 17th
EFK will be CLOSED at all locations for Presidents Day.
February Break Karate Kamps
All locations: February 18th, 19th, and 20th, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Buddy Week
All locations: February 24th - February 29th
Bring a friend with you to class this week!
Grappling Seminars
Bedford: February 28th, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Reading: March 7th, 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Sparring Seminars
Bedford: February 29th, 2:15 - 3:45 PM
Reading: March 6th, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Parents Day
All locations: February 29th
Parents are invited to take class with their children this day! All parents who participate will receive a FREE month of karate for themselves!
Muay Thai Seminar (Adults Only)
Winchester: February 29th, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Students will need gloves, shin pads, a mouth guard, and a notebook.
2020 Tournament
Reading Memorial High School: March 22nd
Want to register for an event? Do so on our members only page at www.elitefreestylekarate.com. Click on the members only page, and select "Events Registration". Weapons of the week BBC: Kali Leadership: Double Nunchucks This week is a sparring week. Sparring classes will take place on Thursday and Saturday this week. Next week's theme will be INTEGRITY.